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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • A random story held together with whatever jokes Pratchett comes up with to glue the parts of it together doesn’t translate to television.

    Never got Pratchett. Sorry. It really does seem like he writes a story based on a string of jokes and doesn’t care about character or narrative or anything else besides being thrown from one random scenario to another based on a joke. At least Douglas Adams cared enough about his characters to make you feel like you know them and enough about the underlying seemingly random plot to make it at least make some sense within itself. I’ve read three Pratchett books and not once did I feel like any character really got any proper fleshing out or that anything that happened made any logical sense.

  • Perfect example of how King essentially creates a lot of his main books by writing what could be a perfectly valid short story then expanding it by adding in tons of unnecessary story that makes mostly zero difference at the end. His short stories are so unbelievably good, they’re all I read from him any more. Trying to read through 11/22/63’s unnecessary, boring love story that essentially goes nowhere was agonizing.