Hear me out - Jovi obviously makes a lot of mistakes in his relationship. He tells Yara a lot of lies, especially in service of accessing dancers. And of course, it could be that producers are feeding him lines, or that he’s putting on an act. But I can’t help but think that Jovi is actually a good friend to the guys. He checks in on their emotions, empathizes, tries to be nice to Ed, gives surprisingly good advice to Asuelu while respecting boundaries of privacy…I dunno, sometimes I’m just surprised by how kind he seems to the other participants. Also I loved seeing him and Angela do the obstacle course, lol

  • mother-zig@alien.topOPB
    11 months ago

    I’m actually a therapist intern 😂that’s why I love this show, the mess is fun but you can also see really interesting relational dynamics. The couples therapy that has been portrayed before seems pretty good to me, considering that it’s edited for tv. The therapists are very professional and seem earnest about wanting to help these couples.

    As far as Jovi and Yara, I think Jovi has displayed a lot of anxious avoidance. He just ignores or walks away from conversations that make him uncomfortable. That fixed smile and glazed eye that he gets sometimes, particularly when conflict topics come up, suggests anxiety to me. Luckily Yara is very strong about confronting him and asking for her needs. You make a good point about him being more emotionally mature with others (at least on the surface) than he is with Yara

    • paperanddoodlesco@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      What was your take on the past life regression? I thought it was all BS and up until then, respected the therapists…