Hear me out - Jovi obviously makes a lot of mistakes in his relationship. He tells Yara a lot of lies, especially in service of accessing dancers. And of course, it could be that producers are feeding him lines, or that he’s putting on an act. But I can’t help but think that Jovi is actually a good friend to the guys. He checks in on their emotions, empathizes, tries to be nice to Ed, gives surprisingly good advice to Asuelu while respecting boundaries of privacy…I dunno, sometimes I’m just surprised by how kind he seems to the other participants. Also I loved seeing him and Angela do the obstacle course, lol

  • Channetr@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Lord help me but I agree. I think he has some major issues and needs to learn to simply cuddle his hot wife like a grown up, but I actually ended up kind of liking him by the end of the strip club. Going to a strip club was lame, but he did seem to genuinely want to show the guys a good time. He was patient with them, gave them the lowdown on how it works, stayed mostly sober, and shut it down when he saw it was going to far.

    I’m not a partying kinda guy. I don’t really drink all that much if at all, I’ve never set foot into a strip club. But if I were to have a crazy night I think Jovi would be a good guy to have my back.