Hear me out - Jovi obviously makes a lot of mistakes in his relationship. He tells Yara a lot of lies, especially in service of accessing dancers. And of course, it could be that producers are feeding him lines, or that he’s putting on an act. But I can’t help but think that Jovi is actually a good friend to the guys. He checks in on their emotions, empathizes, tries to be nice to Ed, gives surprisingly good advice to Asuelu while respecting boundaries of privacy…I dunno, sometimes I’m just surprised by how kind he seems to the other participants. Also I loved seeing him and Angela do the obstacle course, lol

  • traceyq1956@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The Jovi thing is bullshit! Look on their Instagram! They’re happy as shit globetrotting! All in the name of fake tv! All scripted! AND, if she really didn’t want to put up with his really strip club goings on, she knows how to leave his ass! I’m quite sure she is pleased with all that money Jovi provides for all that traveling! 🤷🏾‍♀️ And all her designer shit! Cuz let’s be honest, how much does she really make for all that? Most men go to strip clubs and …. 🤷🏾‍♀️Shit, my man goes too! Idgaf I trust him! If you can’t trust your man, you already have problems! It doesn’t take a strip club to be unfaithful. Look how many marriages was because of the secretary, or undercover gay? Lots! Shit, he could of lied, like most men do! At least he’s honest about it! And he’s young! He could be out there druggie it up! YARA can do what she wants! So… People need to worry about their home first! Mind your business!💯💯💯🤣🤣🤣❤️