Japanese animation follows the strategy of producing an inhuman amount of series every three months and hoping that a few of them will make a profit. For every show with fantastic animation and masterful stories there are 30 who are God-awful and unforgettable.
Western animation tends to be consistent, with few being downright awful… or fantastic.
That said. Percentage-wise. I would say that Western studios create more good animated series than Japanese studios. Although, in total numbers of good series, it is the Japanese who take the podium.
Besides. Invincible is a great series and, in 8 cases out of 10, it does look great.
So this post doesn’t make much sense, to be honest…
I think overall anime is more popular in Japan than cartoons are in the west. Also Japanese attitudes about crunch or overwork help create really good looking animations
Japanese animation follows the strategy of producing an inhuman amount of series every three months and hoping that a few of them will make a profit. For every show with fantastic animation and masterful stories there are 30 who are God-awful and unforgettable.
Western animation tends to be consistent, with few being downright awful… or fantastic.
That said. Percentage-wise. I would say that Western studios create more good animated series than Japanese studios. Although, in total numbers of good series, it is the Japanese who take the podium.
Besides. Invincible is a great series and, in 8 cases out of 10, it does look great.
So this post doesn’t make much sense, to be honest…
I think overall anime is more popular in Japan than cartoons are in the west. Also Japanese attitudes about crunch or overwork help create really good looking animations