I’m a big fantasy fiction nut. TWOK by Sanderson has been recommended to me countless times. I really enjoyed part one, Kaladin and Shallan’s stories.

The interludes were really tough for me to even be interested in, and now in part 2 it’s just really boring me. Idk should I push through? The story telling of the first part was great and it sucked me in, part 2 is proving to be boring and tedious.

Any thoughts?

  • thecurseofchris@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The first half of the book is a ton of worldbuilding, but the second half is a massive pay off for it, and is incredible. Definitely try to get to Part 3, 4, and 5, because that’s when it REALLLLLLY picks up. TWoK is a complicated book because it’s setting up a much larger world and story, but you gotta have the faith in it that you’ll be rewarded in the end. It’s one of my favorites of all time, and its sequel book is even better IMO (gonna read Oathbringer at the start of 2024).