I never read the comics, so my only impressions of him were from Season 1. Even in Season 1 not much was disclosed about him, but the dude is Abraham Lincoln. I always thought of him as being wise, amiable and good natured. Now he just kind of seems like an asshole, and that whole hooking up with Kate thing definitely brought his moral code down a few pegs in my eyes. I can’t blame his misgivings about Invincible, but why is he a jerk to everyone else? Maybe you just stop caring after a couple millennia.

  • kelldricked@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I mean i would start to say that once you pas a certian lifespan and still are physically young (like somewhere past 739 years old but your body is around 40) age as a concept kinda loses its meaning. And since kate is a adult i really dont get why people are being weird about it. Like i could get the argument that you dont shit where you eat but somebody saying: “he should get somebody from his own age” is a bit weird.