hi, I’ve been recommended bojack like an infinite amount of times throughout my life but never watched it because I have severe chronic depression, an ED and BD and I’ve just heard that the show can make it worse, is this true or is it something I’m missing out on?

  • border_line_collie@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Depends if you’re able to keep some perspective. I suffer from depression and I’ve watched Bojack a few times. I personally find it fascinating how one time I can 100% relate to some stuff, and another time (being in a different place in my life) I watch and remember that first time, and I see just how much things can change. I don’t wanna assume anything about you, so I’m just gonna say that in my opinion the show is great in showing that we’re not alone. Even in being alone we’re not.

  • cartoonjunkie13@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Some episodes will rip your heart out but it could go either way. You may be triggered or you may feel validated by what you are watching. It is well-written and at its heart, it is a comedy.

  • ice-krispy@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The first two seasons can be hard to sit through because it sets up Bojack as someone who keeps doing these heinous and seemingly irredeemable things. But after that he gradually becomes more tolerable and sympathetic, and the rest of the characters start growing into their own roles and they have much more manageable and hopeful arcs. Overall it’s a show that’s absolutely worth watching just for the finale alone because it gives a fuller perspective on what recovery looks like. It’s messy, complicated, confusing, you’re not always going to get the closure you want, you’re still going to burn some bridges, and you still have to be held accountable for your past actions, but you can still keep trying to better yourself and you can still live life on life’s terms.

  • catmom81519@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t recall there being anything ED related (nothing significant at least) and I’m not completely sure what BD means. For depression, the show portrays it really well that it honestly may be one the best media portrayals out there.

    People have different triggers and there are episodes that people will skip for the sake of their mental health for all sorts of different reasons. If you feel triggered at any point, turn it off for as long as you need

    • ponyproblematic@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      There’s not a lot specifically ED related, except for >!the whole Hollyhock-Beatrice-diet pills thing,!< and I also think the >!Diane gaining weight due to her antidepressants!< side of things could be triggering to someone with an ED and depression. As you said, though, it would entirely depend on the person.

  • let_me_know_22@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Hi, I kinda went in blind, which was… something. I too struggle with chronic depression, anxienty and ©ptsd. I’m not gonna lie, it hit me like a hammer in the chest. I had to step away multiple times, could only watch it alone and had to bring it up in therapy. But! I extremly love it! I love the show for itself, because it’s an amazing show and I love how it helped me recognize some issues and traumas I didn’t realize I had, I love how I felt seen and validated and still pushed to take responsibility for myself, my mental health and my actions.

    For me it was quite a trip the first time around. For others I know it was easier to draw boundries between the show and themselves. I’ve watchef it again multiple times and it lost most of the triggers for me by now as well.

    I would recommend you try it. It starts relatively easy and grows from there. If it gets to hard or to close, you stop and figure out if it is for you or not, if it is a helpful “closeness” or a trigger.

  • AwakeSeeker887@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I know someone who watched bojack too many times. They started thinking they were just like bojack, started acting like bojack, then destroyed their own life