Rob doesn’t seem to like Sophie right? His digs about bringing her down to earth, his comment of seemingly punishing her by living in that studio unless she asks family for money, him arguing with everything she says and always having to be right, and him having 0 tolerance for any conversation that matters to her. Either he just doesn’t like her, or there is one of those weird manosphere mindsets about her being young and needing to be directed.

Also though their relationship highlights a problem I’ve had with the 90DF universe for a while. Producers and edits heavily focus on the problems a couple has, and we have very few moments (if any) of seeing the good in any of these couples relationships which makes it impossible to root for almost anyone.

  • Maggs1990@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I cannot stand Rob. Could tell he was insecure, chauvinistic and disrespectful. He knows Sophie is out of his league and tries to bring her down to his level. She needs to leave ASAP

  • pixel_ate_it@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    That airport dance was stupid.

    And even my family in the Philippines has an indoor bathroom, you just gotta flush with a bucket.

  • candygirlcj@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Rob is hoping Sophie will get tired of living into that shack and will ask her family for money so they can live somewhere super nice without him having to do a thing. He’s a fucking bum who thinks he hit the jackpot with a rich girl, but didn’t count on Sophie being proudly independent and not wanting to rely on her family. The way he tells her to just ask her family for money is weird af. If she wanted to do that, she would. The whole “bring her down to earth” thing ia a facade. He doesn’t want to live in that shack anymore than she does. And no, he doesn’t really like her. He likes what he thinks she can do for him.

  • madeinbrooklyn772@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    This man is triggering as fuck. He reminds me of my ex husband who was a pimp. I met him at 19 and he was 36. First he made me feel like a spoiled brat for to live in apartment not a room. Then made me feel guilty for wanting to go to college and before I knew it, he broke my mind and well it didn’t stop there or end very well. Not saying Rob is that demented but him not concerned for her safety, red flag 🚩. Also him trying to humble her to live in dangerous conditions that’s not normal by US standards, mentioning her parents can pay for apartments is fucking bullshit.

  • Mountain_Night4993@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    All I know is when you try to communicate your feelings in a calm manner and someone gets angry and defensive in return usually means they are guilty. When he asked her when she was going to “get over” his cheating…time to leave. He is still doing it and he won’t stop.

  • NegotiationRecent265@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Now he’s.pissed off with her because he JUST found out that she might.not want to be pregnant in episode on 10/29/23 when they.met with his sister. They never had that conversation. He is an asshole. He shoots her these looks trying to control what she says. I hope she gets out of there soon.

  • Winter-Squirrel-6744@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Robs annoying. Way too dramatic with every sentence and action. Don’t think I can even stand him as a friend. It’s almost like he’s playing it up for the camera. Seems a bit full of himself. Sophie actually seems more mature than him.

  • Prestigious_Hold_195@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If you look at his ig, he limits his comments, and he allows negative comments about Sophie but not himself. Sorry if someone already pointed that out, I was too lazy to read the entire thread

  • KMFDM781@alien.topB
    10 months ago
    1. Rob acts like he’s preparing her for “the real world” with his triflin’ bs and admonished her for coming from a wealthy family, but then tried to encourage her to ask her family for money.

    2. He acted indifferent to the idea of having children, but then when she unknowingly took any control he had away from him by making a hard stance about not wanting to be pregnant, he was angry. It’s like he was planning on her wanting kids and he would use his non committal indifference to lead her along and exert control over her.

    3. Nobody wants to live like that and have to use the bathroom outside in an outhouse. His place is a dump. While probably fine for a single guy, it’s definitely not when you have to consider someone else. If keeping his place nice isn’t important to him, then he needs to be like “Hey babe, I know my apartment is rough and while unfortunately we can’t move for a little while, I 100% welcome any ideas or anything you want to do to spruce it up and add your own personality here to feel more at home. I’ll help any way I can!”. Ya know, send the signal that maybe you’re not a giant piece of shit narcissist and you actually care about her being comfortable so far away from home.

    4. She is too good for him. Absolutely too smart for him. He runs away to pout way too often.

    4.5. I don’t know how they knew each other as long as they did and never talked about the child situation. They even lived together before. Just about every adult relationship I’ve been in we hash that out in the first time talking. There were a couple other things that I was like really? You don’t know that about each other already? She said they talked on the phone for up to10 hours sometimes. Wtf were they talking about all that time?

  • m0odswlngs@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    He tries so hard to gaslight her into lowering her standards bc he has too much pride to stop being a bum. Insecure little man :/

  • Starbucks_Lover13@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    His red flags are ALL over the place. He’s very defensive and manipulative. I think he’s proven himself to be quite a hypocrite considering prior to them being together he told her “oh if I had a woman like you…” well you do, and still act like an idiot so…