So if you don’t know, there is a new game that featuring Atom Eve herself just coming out. It’s a interactive ADV comic with some RPG elements.

Currently (30mins in, obviously haven’t cleared the game yet) the pros and cons to me are:


  • The art is pretty good. It’s a bit different from the comic or show but still beautifully catches the concept of original characters.
  • You can alter the dialogues, choices and outcomes by having different abilities when levels up. Neat.
  • The writing (for the parts that I can read-- more on that in con) is pretty nice for me.


  • Unfortunately, currently there is a big problem: Namely the the dialogues or descriptions spilled out of their word balloons from times to times. For example:

An example for the con I mentioned

I’ve tried to adjust my resolutions or UI, but so far there is no luck-- and this happens more than a dozen time within my 30m game time. For a game that heavily focused on reading dialogues and descriptions I’ll say this is a huge bummer.