something i only just noticed is how the way Sarah Lynn’s song progresses represent the life she lived. At the start we see her playing the piano, her voice is soft- innocent. This represent her naïvety as she joined the show business. But as the beat drops and she goes down the pole it’s heavily auto tuned and uses a fast backing track. This, I assume, represents how she had no control of the velocity of her fame- how artificial her life became. The pole represents how sexualised she became, how she falls down the pole ultimately representing her downfall. I also thought it was interesting of how the piano starts on the floor and rises upwards as she speeds up- showing her rise to fame. Then the ending, empty, solemn. She was so alone at the end of her life, she had nothing, no one. The backing track is soft, but she isn’t controlling it- this represents her grasp on life is gone- the drugs have taken over, they control her life now. Also how as her song finishes she’s looking into the abyss that is The Door and I interpreted this as her 17 minutes before actually dying. She only died once she was in hospital, those seventeen minutes she spent teetering on the edge of life and the pit of death. How she would’ve willed for someone to help her, Sarah Lynn didn’t want to die. Her song never ended, it just stops abruptly before she holds her nose and jumps. Even in death, she’s still putting on a show for her audience. Or her mum is. ‘I would die for Pepsi’- she didn’t choose that her mum did. And Bojack is responsible for it. This was probs really obvious but I found it really cool

  • RealGianath@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Even in death, Sarah Lynn was only shown as how Bojack thought of her. He imagined everything that happened to her was directly due to his influence, and all of the good and bad things that happened to her was his fault.

    In reality, she had an entire life without him after the show and only faded in and out of Bojack’s life during brief periods of turmoil. Maybe Bojack had some initial influences on her, but she was undoubtedly way more messed up by her child molesting step-father, her greedy and uncaring mother, and the entertainment industry that continually used and abused her. I think she would have wanted to be remembered as more than how she affected Bojack’s world.