I am of the understanding that buying books online is hardly worth anything because you don’t actually own anything. Maybe you own the digital file? I’m not sure. I don’t trust the longevity of it, though.

I’m told a lot (mainly by my Dad) that its a good idea to print those out to keep them. However, I’m talking about books that are easily 200+ pages.

I don’t know if its worth the ink or money to print them out. At that point would it be better to just buy a book?

  • LukeSniper@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I am of the understanding that buying books online is hardly worth anything because you don’t actually own anything.

    Usually true.

    Maybe you own the digital file?

    Unless it’s DRM free, no, you don’t. You bought a license to access that content. Just like you don’t own a copy of everything on Netflix. Their licensing deals could change or the provider could just decide “No, you can’t access that anymore.”

    Example: there are a bunch of games I “purchased” on Xbox a decade ago that I can no longer download.

    I’m told a lot (mainly by my Dad) that its a good idea to print those out to keep them. However, I’m talking about books that are easily 200+ pages.

    This is wild.

    Like… If you’re worried about something like that, just but a physical copy! It will be cheaper!

    Think about it: a regular cartridge of ink for a printer costs ≈$35 and will yield maybe 300 pages?

    That’s not even counting the cost of the paper or wear and tear on your printer.

    You’re paying the same, if not more, money so you can have a stack of loose paper?!


    Just buy a physical copy.