First of all, dont give me the “why you hating, just watch” because i’m actually liking this horror show of a season, but I am noticing a real big effort from them to sell us specific storylines that keep contradicting themselves:

  1. Sophie, the bachelorette from wish + Vanilla Ghetto knob with pretty eyes - For two episodes straight we heard “Sophie is Rich” “Sophie is used to Dubai” “My granpa is loaded”, while this poor girl is rocking some bad lashes from claires and seems like a sponsored ad for primark. She proceeds to tell us that she actually is a waiter since 17 that got a place and didn’t talk to her family or ask them anything. Now, shes 23, and covid happened so not sure how well paid she would be to go on vacations to mexico and dubai. and we are focusing on the fact this girl is “bougie” because she wants a INDOOR BATHROOM? mmmkay
  2. Nikkolete sheridon’t + bootleg moldovan Ken - So the story here is “she’s trans he doesnt want people to know shes trans/people in Moldova are prejudiced pricks” Now, yes, eastern european countries are not super supportive of LGBTQ+ Community unfortunately, but why is Nikki concerned she is being looked at while walking around as a rejected cast member from the pussycat dolls circa 2007? I’m not telling her to cover up or be modest but maybe dont wear spandex/pleather pants, wear some cotton when going out for a lil cake, or for a stroll in the park. ALSO Igor (how terrible is it she calls him Justin because she doesnt like the name, yet she goes on and on about acceptance ) claims he doesnt want people to clock her because she dresses like she is going out on a party… yet he doesnt want to take her out at night? only during daytime?
  3. Big Mouth + the lord of the hats - so you’re telling me, you guys have had torrid love making with an arsenal or sex toys, and Gino wouldn’t notice you have a brand new ass? AND that we are to believe an ex gives 2k for ass implants? GURL.

I mean, i know this is the essence of the show and some bits will be scripted, but this season is all over the place with its stories, just make them cohesive people!

What do you guys feel is the storyline with the most plotholes in it so far?

(this is all for shit giggles and conspiracy theory purposes)

  • MelisendePF@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I agree - this obsession with plastic surgery by just about all the female cast members is getting ridiculous. In the first seasons this show was about real couples - not plastic Instagram freaks. The stupidest surgery of all was Jasmine’s hymen reconstruction. She’s had two kids for crying out loud, and already had sex with Gino. Why in the world would you pay all the money and go through that kind pain just so you can pretend to be a virgin for a single time with him? Such a stupid thing to do.

    • Melodic-Newt1904@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      I had my first baby in July and had complications healing because she came out so fast (5hrs total and 4 pushes). Long story short, I had to have minor surgery 2wks ago to correct some things, and OMG I cannot imagine having hymenal reconstruction surgery! Like WHHYYYY! 😣😣