I can’t deal with the glitter filter + a gun
My one issue with this is not the video game part but the "over 40 " part . As long as done in a healthy manner there shouldn’t be a age limit to any hobby
I honestly don’t believe Jasmine has a vaginal reconstruction , and that this was all just for the show
Ashley knows more words but uses them as a toddler that was not explained grammar (no shade). I feel this is what happens when you download duolingo and progress to level 15 and asume you got it, without ever practicing with live speakers.
But Kudos for her on trying, she does not sound as conceited as our little bankrupted warren buffet
People have to much free time lol. I would never go out of my way to send them images making fun of their appearance (and she is actually pretty). With that being said, Mary seems to have a tendency to play the victim and cry about everything since the first time she showed on an episode, and waaay before she was exposed to public so that’s really food for thought.
This is one of my least favourite couples ever. Like she has this victims complex where she pouts and guilt trips him, and he is constantly pretending to be a nice guy they just irk me