Well I was just pondering when I thought how fast do people read books. I read the cradle series last month in under 13 days. Constantly binge reading it. I have alot of time so it didn’t seem a big deal. Then I remembered in 2019 when I first picked up WoT I followed many people who were reading for the first time or reading it and I discovered it took most of them a year or so and I read it in under 4 Months. That time I was doing my last year in college and had many exams.
I finished Shogun in 14 days, which at 1,151 pages I think is pretty damn good.
I was so excited to go home for the holidays, all my brothers were going to be in town with there families but I made the mistake of starting Shogun on the way home.
I’m sitting around the table with my family, whom I love and don’t see often, and yet there I am reading Shogun under the table on my phone lol.
Got back to my place and cruised through his other books.
I read sherlock holmed volume 1 and 2 (close to 2k pages) in a few days over candle light. Eyes shot, fricked to existence but gyat damn was that a ride. No regerts.
Great book. Excited about the new tv adaptation coming out.
I read sherlock holmed volume 1 and 2 (close to 2k pages) in two weeks over candle light. Eyes shot, fricked to existence but gyat damn was that a ride. No regerts.