I listened to a Podcast about Nicole Brown Simpson and a long segment on Kato (the podcast is called “you’re wrong about”) And everything about him really makes me think of PB. Like how in his early life he succeeded easily without much effort, and moved from his small town to California to try to make it as an actor. (Career-wise the similarities end there)

He was a safe and kind friend to Nicole, never tried to get with her, looked after her kids, but sort of clueless when OJ starts manipulating him and gets him to move out of her place and into OJ’s place, not emotionally mature enough to see what was happening.

Oh and he worked for years as a “comedy waiter” telling bad jokes, which feels very Mister Peanutbutter, don’t you think?

I’m sure this is no hot take and has been done, but I haven’t seen it so I hope someone finds this interesting.

Like I think Sarah Lynn is sort of an amalgam of Lindsey Lohan and Britney Spears with some Amy Winehouse for flavor. Bojack evokes Bob Saget and Tim Allen and Matthew Perry. Hank Hippopopolis is Cosby and Weinstein and… just all the gross men. But PB? He’s all Kato.