Here is mine (for fiction):

1 star - truly terrible, little or no merits. not even so bad its good kind of bad. Will most likely drop the book. Whether we should even rate books we haven’t finished is another discussion. However, I am of the believe if a book has nothing going for it even though you’ve read 100 pages, it’s probably a 1 star.

2 star - it was ok. Enjoyed bits here and there. It did not feel like a waste of time, but would not read again.

3 star - this one is hard to define. it was better than ok, but not great. would probably not reread, but fairly enjoyed.

4 star - very enjoyable, would not mind rereading. maybe there were a few flaws here and there, but nothing detrimental.

5 star - this book made me think about it for days, weeks, maybe even months. I care about the characters like they’re my own family. I would want to reread it again and again. Although, there are some books I would not want to reread, maybe because it dealt with dark or violent topics, but I would still rate 5 star because of the impact it had on me. Did the book change me, did it make me want to reread it, those are pretty good criteria for me to see if the book deserves 5 stars.

Note, I have never really rated books until recently. I realize it helps me reflect on how I feel about the book, and helps me get closure and move on to the next book without any unnecessary lingering attachment. Unless its a 5 star of course, then I’ll think about it forever, haha. I don’t even have a goodreads or do reviews or any of that jazz, just thought it would be fun to discuss.

  • lamelumi_@alien.topB
    10 months ago
    1. Hated it, most likely DNF
    2. Didn’t like it
    3. It was fine, but could have been better/didn’t hook me in
    4. Really enjoyed it
    5. Loved it
  • Dominic51487@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    1 - hate it
    2 - it was ok
    3 - average to slightly above average
    4 - really good book
    5 - one of my favourites

  • SangeliaKath@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Depends on what chocolate that would go good. Fiction bookss get chocolate

    Ordinary stuff like Reeses, those would be good for dime novel romances.

    Dove chocolate mid range.

    Godiva’s that is the upper level books.

    Non-fiction a plate of nibbles like Viking sushi(Herring on Ritz), summer sausage, medium cheddar. etc… I’m there to do study.

  • FirstOfRose@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I rate books on how much I enjoyed reading them, not necessarily on how well they’re written.

    No rating - DNF 1 star - Did not enjoy (1 stars are extremely rare for me though. If a book is around a 1 star it usually goes to DNF pile. 1 stars usually come from books I had to finish for book clubs, etc)

    2 star - Enjoyed it enough to finish

    3 star - Liked it

    4 star - Loved it

    5 star - Couldn’t put it down/had a book hangover

  • MusicEoo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    1 - I hate it with passion deep in my soul

    2 - did not like it, but there are worse books out there

    3 - it was okay or I liked it but wouldn’t necessarily recommend it

    4 - I enjoyed it and would recommend it

    5 - truly magnificent in every way

  • Litchyn@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    1 star - unequivocally bad.

    2 stars - I can think of something nice to say about it, but overall I’d suggest steering clear.

    3 stars - It was fine, there were things I enjoyed, things that I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t re-read.

    4 stars - I really enjoyed it, but there’s something about it that means I just can’t give it five stars.

    5 stars - This book has something really special about it. Either I have nothing bad to say, or I enjoyed it so much that any negative comments would feel inconsequential.

  • lilghost76@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I use a weird grading system, but it is mostly for me. I don’t post my ratings anywhere outside of my reading journal.

    A’s are books that are trying to say something serious and say it successfully (eg Brave New World) and it doesn’t matter how much i enjoy or don’t enjoy it as long as it made me think deeply about something.

    B’s are for “i had a good ol’ time with this” regardless of literary merit (eg the night circus)

    C’s are for “it was ok” (eg neverwhere)

    D’s for anything I find myself thinking “i want my time back” about.

    Some DNFs are Ds others are soft-DNF I mean to revisit later on, usually cause I think it has potential to be an A but I have to be on a different mindset.

    I find this helps me think of literature and reading for fun in a more organized way. Cause Bs aren’t necessarily worse than As, they’re just different buckets. Sometimes I adore the classics I read and I rate them A+/B+ and sometimes i haaate a classic with a burning passion while also admitting that it was good at what it did and give it an A anyway.

  • im_poplar@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I like how you broke down the 5 star grading process in length and then other people shared their way. Each way being the higher the number the better. What is happening?!?

  • KittyLikesTuna@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I just came up with a rating system through a conversation with a friend, and I find it to be a very helpful system that I plan to move forward with:

    1 - had to drop 2 - would not read 3 - would read for free (I read a lot of library books, so this is a broad category) 4 - would buy 5 - would pre-order

    It’s weirdly future-focused for a book review system, but I read series a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Saquon@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    1 - really bad, hated it, couldn’t finish it or it was a chore to finish

    2 - bad, wouldn’t read again or recommend to anyone

    3 - okay, probably wouldn’t read again but might recommend to the right person who I think would enjoy it. Not necessarily rushing out to read more from the author but not avoiding them

    4 - good, would recommend to most people, would read again and looking for more to read from the author

    5 - excellent, will recommend to anyone, want to read everything from the author. Going to be thinking about the book for awhile

  • JoyfulNoise1964@alien.topB
    10 months ago
    1. Throw away before 50 pages
    2. Throw away after 100 pages
    3. Don’t finish… maybe give away to a person I think will like it.
    4. Read and enjoy and am sorry it ends.
    5. Read in a day or so.
    • Diltsify@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’ve considered rating my DNFs as 1 or 2s based on how quickly I quit them, but it doesn’t seem fair to rate a book I never finished so I just don’t rate them 😅

  • ChronicTeatime@alien.topB
    10 months ago
    1. This made me want to throw a book into the ocean, I have a deep hatred for this novel and have likely ranted someone’s ear off.

    2. Mm… I mean I can see why some people could enjoy this? I’m just not Vibing with it very much at all.

    3. That was a pretty ok story to read.

    4. Dang, i had a good time reading this hunk of dead tree.

    5. It’s been months and I cannot stop thinking about this. (Send help)