If it’s not a famous book, you may find some Goodreads reviews and if you’re lucky a Reddit post or two, but not vasts amount of online discussion like you’ll find about any passingly good series or movie.

And if you love a movie or a tv show, it is much easier to convince people in real life to also watch it, since it’s way less time consuming and not everyone even reads books, but most people watch movies.

I just think that this really sucks about reading books.

  • Bluesbunny33@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    what i do is listen to audiobooks with my husband, we dont watch tv or movies unless they are our favorites, a rewatch, or something new that was in our wheel house. We spend a lot of our time together and instead of sitting and watching pointless tv or something we read books together. This gives us books to discuss a larger variety of books the both of us likes and it gets us trying new things, or well old things, we like classics. It’s like listening to a story around a campfire.

    we got started doing this because i work remote and was sitting in our spare room turned office with him while he played video games listening to my horror books last october. He didnt understand most of Frankenstein as he was too unfocused but once we started Jurassic park and i started picking more books he might like, and we went from there. It got me further away from romance books and really back into reading, i went from like 11 books a year to 36 from October to the end of the year last year, to over 72 books so far this year. Not all were books together but most were. I hadnt been reading as much and his new found love of books and us discussing them resparked my love of reading.

    He didnt like reading bc he’s dyslexic and it takes him along time to read a physical book. Audiobooks really made him love reading more.

    try joining someone in listening to a audiobook you might like instead of movie night or game night. My husband calls it story time, its adorable.