In the Ethan Around revival, there are three horse children and one of them is portrayed by a human actor wearing a horse head. A similar thing happens when a human actor (Paul Giamatti) portrays Bojack in American Dead Girl: The Sarah Lynn Story, and simply wears a horse head for the role. Is it just me, or is this kinda weird? It’s 2016, Bradley Hitler-Smith, why is it that Ethan Around can’t find a horse actor for the role? “No one can tell the difference”? You can’t go putting any ol’ white actor in horseface!

  • Aelia_M@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    So I’m assuming in this world they actually do just pick the best child actors for the job (which means Bradley Hitler-Smith was the best of the worst for Horsin’ Around) and for adult stars in film and tv they choose the best they got based on schedule and their agents. It’s less about what species you are and more about agents and so forth.

    That said there’s still a lot of racism in this world. Like how when Todd was getting a kidney or a lung for his mom they automatically assumed his step-dad was a janitor or how they had to go to a seedy part of town to pick up porcupine milk. And then of course there’s the whole treatment of undersea animals and their language. So 🤷‍♀️ maybe it is speciesism