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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • I don’t know if I’m a mix of BoJack and Dianne or if I’m one of them but I’m on anti-depressants, I wanna be happy even though I used to tell myself “some people just get to be happy and others don’t. I’m others,” and it’s not easy to be happy with where I’m at in my life at my age and people reminding me of it, and started going to a secular based recovery program about a month ago for my video game moderation issue which the host said, “it’s good you’re here for the others,” which I didn’t know what the fuck that meant at first and I have a very active mind, and I hate being single and I’ve been that way for 11 years now (yes I’ve dated but nothing has stuck… exactly).

    Life hurts and I’m trying to make it better but I just feel like everything is failing even when I try

  • So I’m assuming in this world they actually do just pick the best child actors for the job (which means Bradley Hitler-Smith was the best of the worst for Horsin’ Around) and for adult stars in film and tv they choose the best they got based on schedule and their agents. It’s less about what species you are and more about agents and so forth.

    That said there’s still a lot of racism in this world. Like how when Todd was getting a kidney or a lung for his mom they automatically assumed his step-dad was a janitor or how they had to go to a seedy part of town to pick up porcupine milk. And then of course there’s the whole treatment of undersea animals and their language. So 🤷‍♀️ maybe it is speciesism