I know this is probably a common topic. For me, I’m not sure if it’s a “trope” or just totally misinformed writing, but it’s how many authors approach alcoholism. Some examples are Girl on the Train and The House Across the Lake, among HUNDREDS. If anyone else here has struggled with alcoholism, you know it’s not just "i woke up after downing an entire bottle of whiskey but was able to shower, down a cup of coffee, and solve a murder. "
Personally, I’d hate unwanted pregnancy trope a bit less if it ever actually stayed unwanted.
Instead, in 99.9% of cases the character who didn’t want a pregnancy and didn’t want children suddenly does a 180° turn and always always decides the pregnancy is now the best thing that ever happened. Can we stop with this? please?
It’s just how authors say “You’ll change your mind once you have kids.” They have to draw it out into a major subplot.
I’d love a book with an unwanted pregnancy that ends with an abortion. Just to fuck with all the people who seem to love the unwanted pregnancy to joyous motherhood books.