I know this is probably a common topic. For me, I’m not sure if it’s a “trope” or just totally misinformed writing, but it’s how many authors approach alcoholism. Some examples are Girl on the Train and The House Across the Lake, among HUNDREDS. If anyone else here has struggled with alcoholism, you know it’s not just "i woke up after downing an entire bottle of whiskey but was able to shower, down a cup of coffee, and solve a murder. "

  • Nixplosion@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Omg this gave me an idea for a horror story haha plot:

    Pretty much what you describe above. A woman inherits a piece of land in a remote town from her uncle who she used to visit there and goes to check it out. While there she meets Hunky Guy. Oh Wow! Hunky Guy is a carpenter and that’s exactly what she needs to fix up the house she inherited?? Wayoow!

    Well, it turns out, this was all orchestrated. Hunky Guy is a sociopath who convinced the uncle to leave the house to the niece MC. Then murders him to set it in motion.

    Acts like the nice guy when she shows up and offers to help fix the house when they meet (which he made sure would happen). As time goes on, she starts to notice how he seems weirdly familiar with the house. Keeps talking like it’s a given that she’ll be staying there forever. Other odd behavior. She eventually learns/remembers who he is and that he was committed to a mental health facility when he was a kid for stabbing one of his parents. Long since released because he was thought to be rehabilitated. Nope! Sociopath gunna sociopath!

    He eventually reveals that he’s not going to let her leave and she has to stay there with him or he’ll kill her if she tries to leave. All the while he was fixing up the house he was turning it into a cage of sorts, outward facing locks to keep her in etc. He takes her keys so she can’t leave. Locks the doors etc to trap her in. No one in town really knows she’s there or notices her absence so nobody comes looking.

    She eventually plots her escape by pretending to give in etc. and … Idk … Attacks him in some way and escapes. I’d figure that out later haha but it’s basically flipping the Hallmark RomCom trope on its head.