Think about it from the mindset of a Viltrumite the same as a human would. Debbie being like a pet is almost in a way the same as a human messing with their pet as Viltrumites are pure bred. In theory Nolan is a sick fuck even to his own people 😂 P.S If you don think so episode 4 should let you know bro not right in the head 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • AlpineJ@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    When he referred to her as his “pet,” he meant it in comparison to their lifespan, as humans live much longer than their animal companions. Also, he comes from a supremacist culture, so he views all non-viltrumites as a lesser being.

  • Napalmeon@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think people are still really taking that comment out of context and not reading between the lines.

    When Nolan said that, he doesn’t mean that he thinks that Debbie is an animal, but rather, she is a lesser form of life, based on what he has been taught by Viltrum indoctrination. Also, it’s important to keep in mind the specific way in which Nolan was attempting to explain himself. It’s almost like he was reading from a script, saying what is expected of him.