Show only please, but what’s the downside of joining them? It seems like resistance just leads to death and destruction. You can’t stop them, no one in the galaxy can. You can barely delay them. From Omniman’s pitch… it doesn’t even sound THAT bad I guess. Cure all disease, stop all wars, no hunger ever again.

There’s obviously the downside of losing any freedom to choose and living in a fascist empire now. But this is a fantasy world. This isn’t real life. Most species have no way to stop the Viltrumites. If they meet them, then they lose. That’s it. No one (as far as we’ve seen) has ever won or even HURT a single soldier (outside of the strongest earthlings on Omniman).

We really haven’t seen the downsides of being a part of the empire. Are they a surveillance state? Do you lose ALL control and are constantly monitored, or is it more - “You work like normal, but we own everything on this planet”. Just thinking - if your planet was approached by an unstoppable alien army and they said “submit or die.” I guess how bad is the submit option?

  • bobw123@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Every domestic tyrant promises utopia in exchange for freedoms, and every foreign imperialist does the same. While its true that every social contract usually entails some exchange of liberties for government services, it is tempered by 1.) actual expectation of receiving said benefits 2.) how much is given in return.

    The Viltrumites have done little to actually build much trust for any such arrangement. Human history has already done a lot of damage to the notion of allowing “benevolent overlords” to the run the show in exchange for progress - any positive development in colonialism is geared in favor of the metropole first and the locals second. What little we see of Viltrumite tactics sours any prospect of accepting - Nolan in his time on earth 1.) lied about his intentions for 20 years (showing he’s not trustworthy) 2.) violently murdered Earth’s leading heroes (showing he’s not benevolent nor trusts Earth to make a decision on equal footing) 3.) Was willing to kill his own Earth son when he refused to join him (showing he is not negotiating in good faith).

    TL:DR - if Viltrum’s “Deal” for Earth is truly so great, they would be willing to make the offer in public and honestly, and should Earth refuse they would be disappointed by leave in peace with the offer remaining on the table for a later date. Instead it is clearly a powergrab by a deceptive, ruthless empire.

  • Napalmeon@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What are the downsides? Well, the first is at best case scenario, you will simply be giving the illusion of freedom if you kneel and comply.

    The first thing that people have to keep in mind is that they would be subservient to a race of outsiders who are overwhelmingly powerful and have absolutely no respect for anything they consider to be lesser. And also have no problem pacifying dissidence with brutality.

    We are literally talking about people who could slaughter the entire city you live in if you looked at them the wrong way. Democracy? That’s out the window. The freedom to speak out against your leaders? Can’t have that either.

  • deusexanimo7@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Your resources are theirs, your freedom extends exactly as far as they say it does, and you have to live with the knowledge that your planet is controlled by a race who could swoop down and fly right through you, your family and your house on a whim. They could institute a purge like on their planet, or just wipe out large cities. And there’s not a damn thing anyone could do. I mean Cecil spent millions on a space laser for omniman and got a nosebleed out of it

  • FlopsMcDoogle@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I imagine they pretty much bleed your planet dry of resources, plus democracy and due process of law would be out the window.

  • OkResponsibility2470@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It should be pretty obvious just by how mark talks about humanity that anyone who joins their empire would be considered a second class citizen at best