Show only please, but what’s the downside of joining them? It seems like resistance just leads to death and destruction. You can’t stop them, no one in the galaxy can. You can barely delay them. From Omniman’s pitch… it doesn’t even sound THAT bad I guess. Cure all disease, stop all wars, no hunger ever again.

There’s obviously the downside of losing any freedom to choose and living in a fascist empire now. But this is a fantasy world. This isn’t real life. Most species have no way to stop the Viltrumites. If they meet them, then they lose. That’s it. No one (as far as we’ve seen) has ever won or even HURT a single soldier (outside of the strongest earthlings on Omniman).

We really haven’t seen the downsides of being a part of the empire. Are they a surveillance state? Do you lose ALL control and are constantly monitored, or is it more - “You work like normal, but we own everything on this planet”. Just thinking - if your planet was approached by an unstoppable alien army and they said “submit or die.” I guess how bad is the submit option?