The scene where Mr. Peanutbutter asks Diane why she made such a big deal out of the situation, and she said “someone had to say something” and he says “and that someone had to be you…because…why?”. Later in the conversation, he goes on to say he doesn’t understand why she is taking a stand on something she has nothing to do with, and how it is jeopardizing his role on the Hollywoo Stars and Celebs.

When I was younger and first watched the show, I agreed with Mr. Peanutbutter. Why was she getting all riled up about something that had nothing to do with her? I knew she felt passionately about it but like yeah, she had no connection to it whatsoever. But as I get older & find myself more empathetic towards and deeply unsettled by the injustices in this world, I feel obligated to speak up for and educate others about marginalized groups when they have not had the chance to have a voice. This has caused me to be a “Diane” in some situations while talking to my older family members about social issues, who in turn would be the “Mr. Peanutbutter.”

I do also see his side, because his career is important as well and she’s making very publicly disliked statements when she is very openly married to him. Though, I do feel at this point in the show that Diane’s side is ultimately more important and difficult for her yet she still pushes through because she sees the importance, while Mr. Peanutbutter has been able to breeze through life, not really facing any hard realities. In turn, making him unable to understand her situation. I think he could survive just fine if he supported her and faced some backlash, as he would surely bounce back (in the Bojack Horseman cinematic universe where, of course, popular people face little to no consequences.)

Just want some opinions. :)

  • Rainy_Tumblestone@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think that Diane is in the wrong - but it’s not because she shouldn’t have spoken up, or not gotten upset, or anything like that.

    It’s because Mr. Peanutbutter was her partner. And Diane got wrapped up in something that would have affected Mr. Peanutbutter without talking to him about it, and even after promising not to do something like she did. They should have been a team.

    If they had discussed it together first, maybe they could have found a compromise that would work for both of them. Maybe PB could even have supported her in her actions. Instead, they were publicly cast as oppositional forces.

    The lack of teamwork in their relationship is a big part of why they broke up.

    • Jsined@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      God I’m glad we aren’t talking about real life or this would be so gross lol

    • Moral_Anarchist@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      This was the avenue I came at it from as well.

      Obviously Diane is morally in the right here, I don’t think that’s up for debate…

      …but if you have a moral cause and it affects your partner…

      …and your partner begs you to not blow it out of proportion as it will damage what they have worked to get and where they are in life…

      …and you agree with your partner and promise not to follow through publicly and not to “blow it up”…

      …and then you go ahead and “blow it up” anyway…

      …you are putting your crusade over the feelings and wants of your partner.

      You’re still morally right, but you’re a terrible partner.

      The world is absolutely FILLED with injustice, you can pick up a mantle against almost anything and be securely on the side of righteousness…but if you’re putting your partner’s wants and needs on the backburner to do so, you don’t need to be in a partnership at all.

      This action showed that Diane puts her partners’ feelings second behind her own personal crusades and demonstrates another level of her and Mr. Peanutbutter’s complete incompatibility.

      My two cents.