I realize that by posting this question I’m cementing the fact that I’m similar to him I’m always needing validation, the same way he asked Diane if he’s doomed. But I, in real life, am struggling with addiction, I just had a conversation with my family after about a year of struggling with severe depression. I tried to explain that I don’t want to be this way but I can’t help but always feel shitty. They said that it was me who was propelling this cycle, which is true, but the story is so long, my life has been going like this for sooo long that I can’t remember what’s what anymore. So when they asked “why exactly are you depressed” I just said “I don’t know” over and over again and I tried to explain that it’s more of a state I’ve always been in, rather than an emotion from an event. The whole argument sort of had a “It’s you” tone. I don’t know. I told them I want to go to therapy, but they told me point blank that if I go back to my old ways that they’re done with me. I’m not sure what to do, I feel like it’s over.

  • jewell_ted@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Mr. Peanut Butter pushed me to start therapy! I’ve got some childhood trauma that made me see a lot of my dad in Bojack and from that childhood I developed a very toxically positive personality even to my own detriment.

    One of the reasons why i love the show is that every character has their own struggles, very human struggles, that are caused by things they carry with them. Toxic positivity, nihilism, trauma, people pleasing, shame, ego.

    I think the best life you can live is when you start to face the challenges or weights that you carry with you, and realize that there’s a beautiful you underneath it all just trying to make things better.

    I couldn’t stand the things that Bojack did, but a piece of me understood what he was going through, and thats why some moments were so hard to watch, but you keep watching because he keeps trying, and the people around him keep trying to do their best. And you hope the best for all of them. And that’s kinda life.

    If i could join the crowd and let you know that you’re on the right path considering therapy, i will! Regardless if you’ve felt this way for a long time, therapy would still be beneficial, and it shows your strength in the fact that your considering it as an option. The entire show i just wish Bojack gave therapy a long enough try. Its tough, it has to be, but its also transformative and beautiful.