Are two completly different and sometimes overlaping hobbies.

I used to buy books like I used to buy PlayStation 2 games. Every saturday I used to buy 2 or 3 games, it reached a point where I had over 300 games but played the same 10 at most.

Like wise with books, I used to buy whatever grabbed my attention and I have a library full of books I have zero intention to read.

When I got my first Kindle back in 2011, the physical book lost its shine for me, it was now about reading the book and I became more serious about what books to buy. Not buying anything that seemed even a little bit interesting, I had to start to think about what I was really going to enjoy.

For me buying books and reading them are two different things.

  • D3athRider@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Are two completly different and sometimes overlaping hobbies.

    I wouldn’t say they’re “sometimes overlapping” so much as that it depends on the person. For me, personally, buying books and reading books are very much the same hobby. While I have a decent sized TBR at home, they are all books I bought specifically because I plan to read them and have fit them into a “gonna read this within the next 1-3 years” plan. Which might sound like a broad timeframe for some, but I’ve already planned out 90% of my 2024 reads and have a good idea of what will be leftover for 2025. So yeah, the buying and the reading very much go hand in hand for me. I’m very much a “completionist”, so buying books I have no intention to read would annoy me beyond belief, lol.