Quite honestly I can’t stand only a few books that I’ve read, recently The Awakening by Nora Roberts.
Holy crap, do I reallllyyyyy want my money back. I was bored. So. Bored. The magic system was subpar, the characters just….ew, everything was so, so boring. The MC is an idiot.
What book is a zero star read for you?
Normal People by Sally Rooney. I’ve said it before on here and I’ll say it until I die. It. Was. Awful.
So bad! I just kinda felt like at the end nothing had really happened and I had wasted my time.
This is the first book that came to mind. The only reason I finished it was because I was stuck on a flight and didn’t have anything else to read. First great novel of millennials my ass!
This is when a loaded ereader is a real blessing.
Agreed. I absolutely do not understand the popularity of this book.