He always seems to be teetering on the edge of becoming unhinged and violent. I have actually caught myself holding my breath when he starts up with his nonsense. I wonder if his intensity is culture related. Definitely red flags there either way…
He always seems to be teetering on the edge of becoming unhinged and violent. I have actually caught myself holding my breath when he starts up with his nonsense. I wonder if his intensity is culture related. Definitely red flags there either way…
It’s not even his face. Well, a lot of it is his face. But also a lot of it is the general sense of unhinged-ness that I feel penetrating me through the screen whenever I see his pointy eyebrows, Robbie from lazy town looking ass
And how he twists every insult to her into a good thing. Example, he only weighs her because it’s for her own good, or he does things so she can be the most beautiful woman ever. He snatched the lollipop out of her mouth because he saved her from gaining weight from the sugar. Disgusting