• doc_55lk@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I hate that Bojack is solely blamed for Beatrice spiking Hollyhock with amphetamines.

    I get that maybe Hollyhock would be reluctant to believe that the one mother figure she had in her life at that point in time, a frail old woman with dementia, was the one who fucked her up instead of the pill popping alcoholic half brother, but even after Bojack explains himself to her 7 fathers, even after enough time has passed that one can reconcile with the fact that it was actually not Bojack who did it, even after Hollyhock has the time to reflect on the fact that “omg Bojack was actually right when he tried to keep me away from his mother”, Bojack is the one who gets shit on. For the one messed up thing in their relationship that wasn’t on him.

    Could Bojack have been more proactive in recognizing the signs of amphetamine use? Maybe. Truth be told though, how much of Hollyhock’s amphetamine behaviour resembled weird teenage habits anyway? Hollyhock was a weird teenager even without amphetamines. I don’t blame Bojack for not really looking into the weirdness. He had his own stuff going on too.

    Can Beatrice, a person with dementia who doesn’t even recognize her own son, be reprimanded for spiking Hollyhock’s morning coffee? I’m not sure. That doesn’t mean she gets off scot free though. She might not have fully recognized her world, but she knew full well what she was doing when she put those pills in Hollyhock’s morning coffee.

    Why is it also never acknowledged that Hollyhock didn’t heed Bojack’s very clear warnings about Beatrice either? None of this would’ve happened if Hollyhock just took Bojack’s word for it and left Beatrice alone after the first couple of meetings. Or if she just took his word for it and let him look for another retirement home to send her to instead of bringing her back home. Like, if someone I was pursuing a new family type relationship with told me to steer clear the fuck away from their own parent, who they tell you very explicitly was an abusive piece of shit to them for decades, I’m not gonna try my level best to establish any sort of connection with that parent. I’m not gonna visit them, I’m not gonna try to make them live with us, nothing.

    Beatrice spiked Hollyhock’s coffee. Hollyhock pursued a relationship with Beatrice that Bojack explicitly told her not to. Somehow, all of this is Bojack’s fault though. Like, why?

    • Intrepid_Finish456@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Hollyhock did give Bojack another chance after accepting that it was his mother who drugged her. Yes she threw out his pills out of paranoia when she visited him but she apologised and intended to maintain some kind of relationship. It was when she met Pete Repeat and found out about Prom and him almost sleeping with Penny that she decided to distance herself from him. Bojack then turning up at her uni to lecture was too much for her and, frankly, she should’ve told him that she wanted nothing to do with him rather than simply avoiding him because it just led to him causing her more discomfort by trying to get close. But yeah, when it comes to Hollyhock I think it was a lot more to do with her finding out even more sus stuff about him than just the pill sitch