My worst example was the word GIF pronounced like the peanut butter instead of properly as in Graphical. It’s worse because Amanda Montell was writing a linguistics book about the history of language and words.
Recent example was “eschew” which is pronounced Eh-shoo but the narrator said “Eskew” and it confused me so much I had to Google it to make sure I hadn’t been saying it wrong my whole life. What exmaples have you found?
Ugh. I’m sorry that happened. Based on your profession, it feels reasonable to assume you take some degree of pride in your language skills. So, even if they’re a bunch of philistines, I could imagine it still being a bit galling to read that same criticism over and over.
For my part, I recognize that nobody can know everything about everything all time, and that even masters of their craft take missteps from time to time. And, of course, I’m not gonna bust somebody’s balls for not knowing how to say, I dunno, an IUPAC name, or not using an Italianate pronunciation for binomial nomenclature. But when I hear a narrator I admire make a gross pronunciation of a word that is neither “made-up,” nor foreign, nor esoterically technical…oh yeah, I get super-judgy about it. Sure, every now and again, I have one of those little “oh shit, have I been saying this word incorrectly my entire life?!” moment, and I’ll pause the narrator to go look up the pronunciation. But often enough, it’s more like "motherfucker, you do words for a living, and you don’t know how to pronounce ‘canoe?!’"