“I only slept with you before him. You realize, right? So yes, it’s a big deal for me to sleep with somebody else who’s not my husband, so I had to keep a connection with him.” Make it make sense. That’s her rationale??? And we call (rightfully) Aseulo a bit dense?

  • Ok_List_9649@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Asuelo was the first to cheat. IMO that makes her “ cheating” a moot point as he broke faith first and destroyed trust. Where she did wrong was promising him she blocked the other guy and was giving 100% to fixing her marriage then looked for any reason” he was deleting texts” to unblock her guy and sleep with him.

    If I saw my spouse deleting texts and this was not something he did on the regular I’d say hand me your phone now. If he refused or I saw anything suspicious then it’s “ ok I was giving it 100% but now you’ve broken my trust again so I’m calling … because we’re done.