They said early on in this season that she lived in India for a year before deciding to move there permanently to be with TJ. Did people not see where she said that the things she chose for the apartment construction were not what she picked out before she left? Why is everyone saying she should have researched the culture? I’m pretty sure living there for a year can equal to doing some research on the internet.
Because people don’t understand that relationships with cultural differences are more difficult than just doing your research will fix. You will always be working through cultural differences throughout your whole relationship. That’s how it is and no amount of research will fix it.
Very true. You can be in an established intercultural relationship for many years, and you’ll still get ugly shocks. Things don’t come up until they have to, and you find out each side has drastically different expectations and beliefs, and each side fully believes their way is normal and assumed that the other side knew.