In my opinion that is

Most will still thoroughly enjoy it as it is the most eventful episode yet, but as someone who holds the comic very dearly I can’t stop feeling there were plenty issues and missed oportunities

  1. Nowl-Ahn

Pretty minor, but damn it’s a missed opportunity. This was discussed on another post, it would’ve been so cool if they kept this detail and the viltrumites refered to him with this pronunciation throughtout the whole series, this kind of stuff adds to the world-building and strengthens it and it’s a shame they didn’t take full advantage of the audio-visual medium they’re now on

  1. The pacing

I didn’t have a problem at all with this with the first 3 episodes, but on this one I got borderline irritated. The developments on Debbie’s grief, Eve’s self-discovernment journey and Donald’s “mystery”(which is exclusive to the show) are important, but I don’t think they had much place in this episode. They’re very slow paced scenes and with a mood that doesn’t really quite mesh well with an all-out brawl in another galaxy for the fate of the planet, with those stakes I couldn’t really bother with Killcannon of all people suddenly getting the spotlight. All things considered, the whole Thraxa could’ve filled the entire episode just fine, but if they weren’t going to do that then it would’ve better to break it off with the Lizard League/Sequids simultaneous attack(which now I bet it’s gonna happen next episode, alongside Mark’s return), and that’s why so many people were theorizing about that, because it made so much more sense. An action packed episode featuring all our current heroes barely coming out on top of their respective conflicts would’ve been a great way to end the mid-season

Ignore Mark here lol

While the recreation was cool, another missed great detail is the fact they fought from night to day, showcasing the absurd endurance viltrumites have

  1. The many great interactions we missed

So many show-onlies were theorizing this might’ve actually not been Nolan, why not add this scene that plays into that ? It’s also a good showcase of Mark’s exponential growth as now Nolan actually feels his attacks

Mark getting a cheap shot on Lucan and running away was pretty amusing

This was tense AF. Any kind of relief you could’ve gotten of Mark becoming stronger fades away when you realize he’s still hopeless against a single viltrumite, creating an overall dreadful scene

Another great line we missed in the show

Just everything about this interaction was great. It also debunks Art’s comment about Nolan lmao, those muscles and skill didn’t come from nowhere

Gotta give it to the show, they did the scene pretty good, but man why did they miss the bit where he questions Mark’s way ? Ambiguous morality is a BIG part of what makes Invincible stand out

Besides missing a viltrumite insight on war, it’s a shame we won’t have this great parallelism as Mark eventually is the one overpowering a viltrumite out of air

Finally this, man Nolan’s one-liner game was on point during this

Sorry if some of this stuff seems very trivial, but that’s just how I feel as someone very passionate about this comic, perhaps you could change my mind

  • Ren_Davis0531@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I came here to talk about exactly this. This episode was a missed opportunity. So much more could have been done to bring this fight to life with those good character moments you mentioned. Highlighting Mark’s growth while also pointing out how he needs to improve would have been a great way to transition to Mark no longer getting his ass kicked as much. He learns that he was taking his powers for granted and needs to push himself to get stronger and faster. They completely left that out. I guess they wanted to make the scene where he starts fighting back against Thula as opposed to struggling his way through, but Mark struggling to keep up with Viltrumites was kinda the point. It was tense when we watch him struggle to stay away from Lucan and he thinks he’s about to get himself, Andressa, and his brother killed. That fear and him getting tired allows him to feel vincible. This would serve as a segue from him to actually become…….INVINCIBLE!

    And yeah I also missed the Nowl-Ahn pronunciation. One of the weaknesses of the comic was that we never really got into Viltrumite culture enough. The show has a great chance to explore that. A good first step was the name pronunciation to make them feel more alien and more unique. Missed opportunity.

    They should have cut the Eve, Debbie, and Donald content, added more to the Thraxan content, and made Nolan and Mark’s reunion and subsequent need to save Thraxa and Oliver the entire story. If they felt that there wasn’t enough material for an entire episode then I would suggest they add more to it like they added the Amber stuff and Donald stuff. That stuff was fine, but felt out of place in this episode. Especially since this is the last episode that we are getting for a while.