Where do you think they’re going with Mark, Eve, and Amber’s relationship?

They’ve given Eve more screentime and plots to show she has more going on than just being Mark’s love interest or pining after him while he’s with Amber, but it also feels like they’ve focused less on their relationship in relation to trying to push him together with Amber. She even moves back with her parents for her own reasons rather than to be closer to Mark like in the comics.

We also haven’t seen Amber struggling more with Mark being a Superhero that we saw in the comics by this point.

Are we going to see the transition happen in the second half of this season where Mark and Eve are both struggling with stuff and turn to each other for emotional support and that’s how their relationship happens this time around? Like Mark can’t really talk to Eve about the stuff with his dad/Oliver/Cecil but he opens up to Eve? And maybe forego Amber turning to another, closer, guy instead?