I feel like I struggle with this in all facets, especially as I love fantasy books and it tends to make me feel more down about my real, mundane life, but I feel like I notice the most impact when it comes to relationships.

This isn’t just my current one, but also great relationships I’ve had in the past that ended amicably. I’m in a great relationship now. He’s loving, caring, attentive, romantic, handsome, hard-working, etc etc. But I feel like every time I read a romance novel (especially one written by a woman), it makes me look at all of my relationships in a new light in my head. No one is freaking perfect and lord knows I’m far from it, but a lot of the male love interests I’ve read about in novels are portrayed to perfection with the perfect amount of emotional intelligence that just no real person has.

I don’t know. I love my current relationship and I’m very serious about it, but I don’t love how romance books always ignites this insanely unachievable hopelessly romantic side of me. Do I just have to stop reading completely lol? Is anyone else like this? What can I do?

  • OnlyGrayCellLeft@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yes, exactly! Not to mention that romance novels only include a few of the most noteworthy scenes - they are void of the mundane parts of everyday life. The ultimate end goal for these romance novel couples that we don’t get to see is to presume that they end up having what my boyfriend and I do.

    At the end of the day it’s all about perspective. I’d say romance novels enhance my relationship and are a healthy way to indulge in that feeling of butterflies while maintaining a healthy relationship.