As a child I was groomed by a man in my village and I see a lot of similarities between the way bj and my groomer acted. Do you guys think bojack intended to do something with penny for what ever reason and groomed her? ( reminds her of Charlotte at an early age/ makes it feel like he’s back in his youth?) or was it an opportunity taken impulsively?

  • shitbecopacetic@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    In no particular order:

    • told her she was the most beautiful person at the prom
    • developed a code/habit of secrets between the two of them very early on
    • pressured her to get drunk
    • slow danced with her alone
    • Was her date to prom, which is stereotypically when people try to lose their virginity in America
    • even the driving lesson itself is borderline suspicious

    I do think she was his backup plan in case Charlotte didn’t work. But for what it’s worth Penny was completely on board the whole time and was maybe even aware of the groomy behavior, but I think that’s why it messes her up for years, I don’t think just almost sleeping with an older man, in a vacuum is enough to traumatize someone forever, i think the grooming aspect is why she’s so stirred up. I think she feels that he worked toward that goal for many months. Idk guys let’s watch it again and look for more subtle clues.

    • Darko33@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Ehhhhh BoJack does seem genuinely shocked and taken aback when Penny suddenly shows her cards (“with your mouth?!?”) I don’t think BoJack is a good enough actor to fake that. He was genuinely caught off guard – and even does the right thing at first.

    • LifeIsLikeARock@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I do think it’s important to distinguish that Penny was the one who initiated and then pursued Bojack. For all we know, had Charlotte cheated on Kyle that night, Bojack might never have gone as far as he did. When he says Penny looks like her mom, I feel as though he’s just picturing himself with Charlotte.

      When Penny asked the third time, Bojack wanted comfort and given the physical similarities, accepted it thinking there was no legal risk as Penny said. That said, when he went to her college to see how she was, an awful thing to do while high and drunk to a girl you already had a questionable relationship with, I reckon that was when he really traumatised her.

      It’s not that he groomed groomed her, more so that he made her feel groomed and pursued. As much of an asshole as Bojack is, it never came across as intentional, just inconsequential and stupid.