I used to not count DNF’d books as completed, but recently changed my mind a bit. I feel like if you actively decide not to finish you’ve already completed it in some way. Also allows me to rate and review on goodreads for example. What do you guys do? Do you count them? Is there a certain amount you have to read before you consider a DNF book completed? Or do you not think of them completed at all?

  • ellieofus@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Depend how much of the book I have read.

    If it’s super early on then no (although I have just now realised that Goodreads is still counting them) but if have read half or 2/3 of the book, chances are I still skimmed the rest of it just to know how it ended and so yes.

    It’s not common for me to DNF a book though, it has to be really bad for me to abandon it, and usually I try to read the first 100 pages to see if it improves.