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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • Shadow and Bone.

    I hated the second season and didn’t even finish it, but I remember enjoying the first season and the concept of the Grisha and how magic works. I enjoyed it so much that I bought the trilogy- and hated it.

    I hated everything about the book. The writing style, the romance, the characters, but I especially hated Mal, which made me hate Alina. I forced myself to finish it because I was hoping it would redeem itself at some point but no, Mal kept getting worse, their relationship kept getting worse, and I kept hating everyone.

  • I am a bit tired of people that make books their own personality or that attribute personality traits based on books read.

    Books that you read and like don’t imply you’re a bad person or a good person. If that were the case, all religious people that read the Bible/Quran/Torah/ etc would be the quintessential good and altruistic person.

    If someone read Mein Kampf it doesn’t mean they’re a raging nazi, same as reading books where horrible things happen doesn’t mean you are a killer/rapist/whatever . And it doesn’t even mean that you condone violence.

    Books don’t make you gay, they don’t make you evil, arguably we can say they don’t even make you smart - they can increase your knowledge, but that’s not the same as being smart.

    Associating a book with a personality trait, or thinking that they can cause X and Y it’s such a simplistic and distorted view that can only stem from lack of critical thinking.

    If X book = bad person/good person we wouldn’t need psychologist now, would we? Or police, for that matter. We could weed out the bad apples before they committed crimes, just arrest anyone that buy and read forbidden books.

    The fact that banning books is a thing , again, in the US, speaks volume on how incredibly stupid this notion is.

  • ellieofus@alien.topBtoBooksDo you count books you DNF?
    10 months ago

    Depend how much of the book I have read.

    If it’s super early on then no (although I have just now realised that Goodreads is still counting them) but if have read half or 2/3 of the book, chances are I still skimmed the rest of it just to know how it ended and so yes.

    It’s not common for me to DNF a book though, it has to be really bad for me to abandon it, and usually I try to read the first 100 pages to see if it improves.