Why I think he is emotionally abusive:

  1. He doesn’t translate everything as he should and only translates in a manner that suits his situation and needs.

  2. Omits essential information all the time.

  3. Right before the wedding he decides to break up because she confided in her parents. But it’s okay when he does the same and turns everyone against her. Who runs to their mommy after there’s been a fight with a partner and talks shit about them to their entire family?

4.He always has to have the upper hand: Threatens to leave Kimberly or asks her to leave in every fight, Whenever he is asked to make a compromise - “Am I your servant?” “I’m not your servant” wth does that even mean?

  1. In effect he has entirely isolated her from his family and is trying to isolate her from her own family too.

  2. Straight up lied about the family situation and “wifely duties”.

  3. No safe space for Kimberly to go to, no one to confide in

Controlling someone in that manner and stripping away their identity bit by bit is absolutely not okay. I say this not because Kimberly is expected to make compromises, but because she is being expected to keep quiet about things that bother her and change the way she thinks. The situation is classic 101 guide in how to break someone’s spirit and make them complacent.

  • claratheresa@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    There’s so much ignorance here, like all these people judging her are so much wiser (whHy DiDnT ShE JuSt GoOgLe it).

    People fucking lie about who they are. Guaranteed he pretended he’s way more progressive than the other locals- and he admits that he misrepresented shit about the lifestyle they would have.

    Also, about the house and wedding, prior to her coming she kept trying to ask questions and he kept ignoring what she wanted and brushing off her questions. He never directly answers her question.

    And about the scream- she kept telling him what she needs from him emotionally and he kept telling her that her needs imply she wants to leave him because he simply doesn’t think he should have to meet her emotional needs. She exists to serve him. He doesn’t listen no matter what she says and he basically puts words in her mouth that she wants to leave.