Audiobook produced by the BBC and just under 2 hours

This is actually the parts of the story I remember from reading it in highschool so I was pretty happy with the length.

Was happy to spend 2 hours of my night with my husband reading a book I knew he would enjoy since he doesn’t know it.

Love the commentary on how the more we normalize sex and “everyone belongs to everyone else” the further away we get from what actually being human means.

When the professor screams in pain I need more words it really speaks to me. I feel like half the time I can’t understand what the younger generations are saying and I’m a millennial. I feel like sometimes I see in the forums the young ones screaming for change and it’s like watching the book in real life.

In my opinion it’s a good book.

I hope some people take the chance on this shorter version and get what I did out of it which is the meaning of the full book in a shorter time frame.

I think I’ll read more books like this if my husband can stand the multiple narrators.

He wants more old radio style stories like stories around the campfire and I thought this fit the bill pretty well.