I’ll go with the low-hanging fruit: Mein Kampf. I’ve read it, cover to cover. As a piece of propaganda, it’s good. As an example of good writing? Absolutely not (though I will admit I have only read it in translation). Oh, and the whole fascist, racist, and generally shitty worldview of the author that he infuses into the text. And the fact that the author is literally Hitler. You 5-star that book? You’re a Nazi. Period. And as a Jewish person, I don’t look too kindly on them.

  • wanderlust_m@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    That’s mine too. The people putting Mein Kampf and Ayn Rand on their profile will have surely weeded themselves out in other ways. Solely on the book, this is one that would tell me it wouldn’t work.

    • Parada484@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I don’t know if I’m just missing the point or if I got the wrong take-away from this book. I just remember it as a story with simple prose of a little boy going on an adventure with some magic elements and a neat twist. I have it in the same mental space as Harry Potter. Don’t particularly loathe it, but it’s a nice quick tale for a re-read snack. Genuine curiosity here, why is it so disliked?

      • annoyinghack@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        This is the thing, if you take it as you did that’s fine because yeah that’s pretty much what it is.

        It’s the people who react to it like it’s the most amazing thing they’ve ever read and it Changed My Life that’s the red flag, dude it’s an amusing fantasy with some spiritual mumbo-jumbo in it that sets you up for a Great Revelation at the end but instead >!he just finds a fucking buried treasure!< if that changed your life I feel for you.