I’ll go with the low-hanging fruit: Mein Kampf. I’ve read it, cover to cover. As a piece of propaganda, it’s good. As an example of good writing? Absolutely not (though I will admit I have only read it in translation). Oh, and the whole fascist, racist, and generally shitty worldview of the author that he infuses into the text. And the fact that the author is literally Hitler. You 5-star that book? You’re a Nazi. Period. And as a Jewish person, I don’t look too kindly on them.
Aside: I actually read The Art of the Deal sometime in the late '80s and thought, “OMG this guy’s a crook!” He literally brags about not paying people he contracted with.
Not paying people is his entire business model. The “art” is convincing small businesses who can’t afford lawyers to do the work and accept payment afterwards, then stiff them and delay them in court until they go bankrupt.