American women going overseas: (my take on the foreign men)

  • majority of these men are not educated and or barely work
  • they are very religious and can’t or won’t adapt to anything else.
  • they are for the most part big liars
  • they are there for a green card
  • they have a bad past and hide it

American men going overseas (my take on these foreign women)

  • looking for a green card
  • looking for a way out of their country for a better life
  • just looking for money and scamming the men for money
  • many lie too
  • use sex to “capture” the American men

My take in the show:

  • it must be scripted in a way to create the drama and tension. No way they can let these poor idiot be abused this way.
  • it’s all real and they do it for the money ; reality drama sells

What say you ?