American women going overseas: (my take on the foreign men)

  • majority of these men are not educated and or barely work
  • they are very religious and can’t or won’t adapt to anything else.
  • they are for the most part big liars
  • they are there for a green card
  • they have a bad past and hide it

American men going overseas (my take on these foreign women)

  • looking for a green card
  • looking for a way out of their country for a better life
  • just looking for money and scamming the men for money
  • many lie too
  • use sex to “capture” the American men

My take in the show:

  • it must be scripted in a way to create the drama and tension. No way they can let these poor idiot be abused this way.
  • it’s all real and they do it for the money ; reality drama sells

What say you ?

  • FunUse244@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Not everyone is looking for a green card. The men in South Africa seem to not want to leave. Evelin (Cory) refused to move to the US. Sumit (Jenny). TJ(shreeKIM). Rishi(Jen). Reign (can’t remember his name, part of the obnoxious brother duo) I’m sure there are more I’m not thinking of

  • Harriethair@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My take on the American women looking overseas for men: Desperate and delusional. They want the prototypical macho man (bonus points for being handsome to the point of being out of their league) but the macho man must also respect that she is an “American woman and we don’t put up with that bullshit” and let her do things that fly in the face of all traditions and social mores the guy is used to.

    My take on the American men looking overseas for women girls Desperate and delusional. They don’t want American women because those women are headstrong. These men view foreign girls to be submissive and will be in awe of the men regardless of their actual circumstances in life (hello Closet Mom). If the man is actually wealthy or even just doing alright for himself, any and every expense the girl wants to make is viewed as proof of her being a gold digger. And yet the American Mans history of looking for very young women in impoverished countries somehow doesn’t count as being a sex tourist…hmm.