In a similar vein to the question posted earlier today, I wanted to know what book reco would you see as a huge green flag when dating, and why?
My answer: Lonesome Dove
Why: It delves into themes of friendship, loyalty, and the complexities of human relationships. If they like the book it tells me they have an understanding of the nuanced dynamics that make human connections meaningful.
Any le Guin would get me interested in a first date. I’d also be happy to have a polite but heated debate about why I prefer The Word for World is Forest
Regardless of which is better, The Word for World is Forest is underrated (or rather…needs more exposure relative to her other works?). Powerful story
Word for World is Forest is simultaneously a scathing critique of the Vietnam war and a commentary on the westward expansion and the brutalities inflicted upon that Native American peoples living in North America.
It’s also better paced and a faster read. Love that book so much.