In a similar vein to the question posted earlier today, I wanted to know what book reco would you see as a huge green flag when dating, and why?

My answer: Lonesome Dove

Why: It delves into themes of friendship, loyalty, and the complexities of human relationships. If they like the book it tells me they have an understanding of the nuanced dynamics that make human connections meaningful.

  • gnosticheaven@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Mrs Dalloway is one of my husband’s favorites. Maybe not his favorite-favorite, but it’s up there. I’d be intrigued by any guy who was into Virgina Woolf! Although he read it at my recommendation after we were married, so it wouldn’t have been on his dating profile. Actually he wasn’t much of a reader when we met. I gave him One Hundred Years of Solitude when we were dating and he gamely accepted it, but then didn’t read it at all lol. I guess when we were dating, his favorite books were Stephen Ambrose history books, which is cool Like, that’s not my style, but sure, yeah I’ll swipe right on someone who likes that stuff.