In a similar vein to the question posted earlier today, I wanted to know what book reco would you see as a huge green flag when dating, and why?
My answer: Lonesome Dove
Why: It delves into themes of friendship, loyalty, and the complexities of human relationships. If they like the book it tells me they have an understanding of the nuanced dynamics that make human connections meaningful.
I think Lonesome Dove would be my answer. Honorable mention goes to East of Eden.
I guess I would pick Lonesome Dove for all the reasons in OP’s post, but also Gus reminds me of my only grandpa that passed away a few years ago. I’m always a bit wary of people who like ‘required reading in school books.’ I’m not saying that reason would make swipe left, its just that I don’t trust that you really like to read. Or maybe that’s what they genuinely like to read, which is also fine. Obviously, those required reading books have that status for a reason.