You wanted to read the book, you were excited to crack it open, you came into it with good faith and anticipation… but you ended up dnf-ing it. Which book and why?

Mine was The Maid by Nita Prose. It was for my book club and looked like a fun murder mystery. Instead I got instant manic-pixie-dream-neurodivergent-girl vibes, and I noped out before the crime scene was even found.

  • friedpickle_engineer@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I heard how great the Witcher series was and opened the first book up at a bookstore to see what the fuss was about. Literally the opening scene is a cheesy “horny male nerds pls buy this book” sex scene. It was so corny and obviously wish fulfillment that I had to put it down and never picked it back up. The series might still be great, but that opening made me lol from how bad and blatantly pandering to the intended audience it was.